Mango Farm’s New Release Is Here — It’s Trezor Tuesday!

Mango Farm
4 min readMay 7, 2019


Mango Farm’s new release is focused on security and other enhancements. This version (0.6) includes Trezor hardware wallet support, two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator, and a new option for uploading metadata in Asset Builder.

1. Trezor Mode: Hardware Wallet Support

You can now use your Trezor One or Model T with the Mango Farm wallet. In Trezor Mode, your private keys are securely stored on your Trezor device. You can send and receive RVN with the Mango Farm Wallet from any computer — even one you do not own or trust — knowing that your private keys are safe and never leave your Trezor device.

Setting Up Trezor Mode

Set up Trezor Mode the first time in two easy steps:

Step 1. If you are a new Trezor user, the first thing you need to do is download the Trezor Bridge plugin for Google Chrome. Do that by following the instructions here.

Step 2. Permanently enable popups and redirects from Mango Farm’s website on Google Chrome by following the instructions here (add

Important: if popups are blocked on your browser, you need to permanently enable popups and redirects from the Mango Farm site in order to use Trezor Mode. Do not use the one-time approval provided by Trezor Connect. Instead, follow step 2 above or use the button provided by Chrome on the top-right corner of the browser.

Using Trezor Mode

To use your Trezor device with Mango Farm, just click “Trezor Mode” on the Mango Farm login screen. This will redirect you to and is totally normal…

Export your public key to your Mango Wallet. Your private keys stay on your Trezor device.

Click through the authorizations to approve the export of your public keys to Mango Farm. Trezor Mode is good to go!

Mango Farm becomes a watch-only RVN wallet after you export your public keys.

Sending RVN in Trezor Mode is easy. Just follow the instructions on the screen to sign with your Trezor…

Follow the simple on-screen instructions to send RVN from your wallet in Trezor Mode.

Notes: Trezor Mode currently supports RVN transactions only. Future revisions will add asset layer and Bitcoin/Litecoin support. For now, you can have a regular Mango Farm wallet to store your assets and use a separate wallet in Trezor Mode to store your RVN.

2. Two-Factor Authentication: Google Authenticator

Mango Farm now supports two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator. If you do not have a Trezor, it is highly recommended to use 2FA on your Mango Farm wallet. This provides an extra layer of protection on top of Mango Farm’s double-encryption and other security features.

Setting up 2FA

Set up 2FA the first time in two easy steps:

Step 1. Install Google Authenticator on your mobile device by following the instructions here.

Step 2. Enable 2FA through the wallet menu by following the instructions on screen. Please be sure to write down or print your initialization key. If you lose your mobile device or delete the Authenticator app, this is the only way you will be able to recover your wallet.

Click “Activate 2FA,” scan the QR code into the Authenticator app and pair your mobile device with the code.

Using 2FA

Using 2FA on Mango Farm is easy. The next time you log in, or any time you try to build an asset or send an asset or RVN, you will be asked for your six-digit code from the Authenticator app.

After you set up 2FA, login and all transactions require a code from the Authenticator app.

3. Other Improvements

This release includes many behind-the-scenes improvements. You won’t see them, but hopefully they make the Mango Farm experience better.

One new feature that you will see is the optional “nonstandard” metadata uploader. Now you can choose to use the full standard metadata specification fields, or just upload your own file to IPFS with whatever metadata you want.

Choose standard and nonstandard metadata with the selector when making an Asset Builder.

Thank you for using Mango Farm!

Thanks to the community for supporting and using Mango Farm.

We hope you like this new release. Stay tuned, we have many more new features and improvements coming!

For now, enjoy Trezor Tuesday…


The Mango Farm Team

RVN discord: Mango Farm#3764

twitter: @MangoFarmAssets

For those who are new to Mango Farm, you can find more information on our features here.



Mango Farm

Mango Farm provides tools to create, store and use blockchain assets on the Ravencoin network. We make blockchain assets easy.